By Tommyhawkl
"My God!" Jenkins said almost worshipfully. "What the fuck is Sergeant Ramrod doing in here?" Sergeant "Ramrod" Ramirez (a white guy, or mostly, despite his last name), was in a bar. Our bar! Okay, nothing official about it, but the bars around bases do tend to "specialize," one or two bars for officers and a couple more for non-coms and the others, usually the cheaper ones, for the enlisted men. That was "Edward's" all right, a cheap dive with cheap beer at cheap prices. Just right down a poor PFC's budget. Non-coms should have been two blocks down at "Reba's" which was (so I'd heard) a slight improvement in taste and about the same prices as we had. But there was Sergeant Ramirez sitting at a table, holding a discourse with a guy in civvies some two decades older than Sarge, but with a military haircut that said he was Regular Army and damned proud of it!
We avoided their table warily and went over to the bar. We were off duty and on a weekend pass, so our drinking wasn't anything even Sergeant Ramrod was likely to get his ass in a twist about.
But no private who had endured a tongue-whipping from the Ramrod was going to ignore his presence entirely. Jenkins and I talked, but every so often, we would look over to where Sarge was locked into a long, heated and, from all appearances, emotional confrontation with this older man.
Whatever the argument was, Sarge lost the argument. The older man got up, said something that made Sarge visibly wince, and left. Sarge ordered a pitcher of beer in a loud voice, which he got.
We kept watching, Jenkins and I, and our conversation and plans for the evening dropped away without mentioning it. Sarge was a pain in the ass, with his hard-ass attitude and his nitpicking attention to detail...but damn it, he was OUR pain in the ass. Who was that bastard who had made him miserable now?
We learned that a bit later. Conklin had come in, waving a handful of cigars. His wife had just had a baby, a boy, his first, and the cheers and good humor seemed to strike something in Sarge. We were all offering Conklin toast after toast of cheer and happiness. "To Fatherhood!" was the one that seemed to trigger it.
"To Fatherhood!" he yelled out. Shrieked, actually. Not his usual calm loud voice, this one seemed ripped from him. "Here's to my father, that hard-ass sonofabitch who walked out of here not a half hour ago! Most decorated fucking soldier in the whole fucking Korean conflict! And me, his son, named for him, carrying his name like a fucking anchor around my neck, knowing that I'll never be as good as him, never as brave as him, never as honored as him, no matter what the fuck I do! I joined the Army and do they let me go to Afghanistan or Iraq and do something? Hell, no! And my father, my fucking Congressional Medal of Honor father, makes that out to be my fault, and I'll never be as good as him, ever, no matter what the fuck...." I guess he realized he was repeating himself at that point, for he dropped it and said, "So I'll drink to fucking Fatherhood! I just wish I was drinking this fucking toast over his fucking grave!" And Sarge drained his glass, took aim at a picture on the wall, and let fly. Both drinking glass and picture glass fractured in an explosion of shining knives.
Sarge took off toward the door, which was just as well, for I saw the bartender pulling out his sap, ready to take it out of Sarge's ass.
"Poor fucking bastard." Jenkins commiserated. "That must have been his father who left."
"Glad he wasn't my father." I agreed.
"Poor fucking bastard."
"Yeah, but he's OUR bastard." I said. "What do you say we take his flanks until he returns to base?"
"Hell of a night off this is turning out to be." Jenkins lamented but he came with me.
We caught up with Sarge a bit of a ways down the sidewalk and a damned good thing. He had just confronted three guys from another unit and was gigging them for being out of uniform, slapping their passes away when they offered them and generally being a son of a bitch himself.
"Hey, Sarge, come on." I said, taking one of his arms. "We got to get back to base and we can't remember the way."
"Bunch of damned pussies, all of you." Sergeant Ramrod slurred. He was more than three sheets to the wind, for sure. "I ought to whip all your asses just for being here, when you ought to be back at base."
"Yeah, Sarge, take us back to base." Jenkins urged him. "These guys are here on a pass, but our passes are expired and we don't remember how to get there."
"You'd better get him to bed somewhere fast." one of the guys he had confronted said.
"Fucking pussies, all of you." Sarge said to him.
"Come on, Sarge, let's go find us a place to crash and we'll all find the base in the morning, okay?"
"Waste of the Army's money, you ask me." Sarge said. "Ought to cashier every one of you and start all over again with some real men."
"That's right, Sarge." Jenkins said as he caught one of Sarge's arms. I caught the other one, for the Sarge was going down. He didn't pass out, but his legs became unable to adequately support his rather large frame. Between Jenkins and me, he kept his vertical altitude and we steered
him toward a Motel sign just ahead, with a "Vacancy" sign under it.
A "Vacancy" sign that must have gone out or added a "No" in front of it the minute we walked in the door. One room left. One bed, queen-sized. Two men could share that bed, but three were going to find it crowded. And with Sarge one of the three, it was going to be a very, VERY grotty night!
Getting undressed was not a real option here. Just lie down, wait for morning when we could send Sarge on his hungover way and then try to enjoy the rest of the weekend. Jenkins and I put him in between us, we figured if he got up in the night, one of us would wake up and know about it.
Sarge didn't get sick and he didn't go to sleep. Instead, he moaned, weeping sometimes, griping sometimes. And thrashing, always thrashing. You try to sleep during that crap. Three times he had to go to the bathroom, I took him in the first time, Jenkins the second and then I had to do tinkle duty the third time. He was just barely functional. I steered him back to bed and pushed Sarge onto his side, facing away from me, and crawled groggily onto the bare foot and a half of bedspace that gave me, shoved my body firmly against his in hopes of getting a bit more room. I left the light on, no way was I getting much sleep tonight and I was tired of guessing what was going on in the dark. Leave the light on, sleep if I could, and wait until morning and we could shove Sarge out the door!
"Nothing but pussies." Sarge said to me. "The whole lot of you, nothing but pussies."
"Aw, jeez, Sarge, go to sleep!" I moaned. "It's three in the morning!"
"God damn!" Jenkins said and that in wonder. "What is that pushing up against my ass?"
"It's not me, I'm on this side of him." I said.
"Fucking Sarge has got a boner!" moaned Jenkins. "I can feel that mother pushing against my ass!"
"Fucking pussies, both of you." murmured Sarge. "Nothing else pussies are good for but for fucking. Ought to fuck both of you."
"The hell you are!" Jenkins protested. "Harry, we got to put up with this?"
"It's just until morning." I said. "Calm down, Marvin, he's not fucking anyone with that in his condition."
"Easy for you to say." Jenkins groaned. "He's not hunching at you like a ten-dollar whore!"
"He's in position for me to hunch at him." I offered. "Shall I hunch him for you?"
"Maybe you ought to." Jenkins said. "I think I feel a moist spot from his dick on my ass!"
"Poor baby." I mock-mourned for him.
I shifted in bed, my crotch hit Sarge's ass, a pure coincidence despite our conversation I assure you. I had a bit of a stiffie in my pants, nothing that the conversation and my youthful horniness couldn't explain.
"Mmm, want some of that, pussy?" Sarge muttered. And damned if he didn't start hunching back against me. "You want to plug my hairy butt, private?"
"Oh, shit!"
"Is he humping at you, now?'
"Goddamned straight he is!" I gasped. "Shit, now he's grinding against me!" For he was, his buttocks had my cock in a vise grip and was moving in a motion that was the next best thing to a handjob, and my cock, already primed for maybe a bit of hey-hey-hey (to quote my older brother) later that night if the Fates had been kind, was more than ready to accept this as a substitute.
"You want my pussy, private?" Sarge grunted as he humped at my crotch.
"Shit!" I groaned. "Sarge, if you don't stop that, I'm going to fucking cream in my shorts!"
"You wouldn't?" Jenkins was scandalized.
"You don't have Sarge's buttocks clamping onto your rod!" I was now beginning to add my own twists to this. Hell, I wasn't one to try to seduce my own sergeant, but if he was going to offer himself, fuck, why the hell not? I didn't have to do nothing but let him do his thing! Maybe I would cream in my briefs, but fuck, that's better than whomping your pud in the shower in the morning.
"You're not really going to fuck Sarge in the ass, are you?"
"Uhh! He keeps this up, I don't have to. But he's fully clothed and so am I."
"You want to fuck me, private?" Sarge asked me again.
"I sure would enjoy that, Sergeant." I said.
"Then come on and fuck me."
"What?" Jenkins asked.
"You don't mean that, do you Sarge?"
"I mean it, Private!" Sarge said. "I got a real need for a hard Army dick in my butt. Nothing like a horny young PFC to really give me the ass-pounding I need. So come on, let's get this butt-fucking going!"
"Hey, Sarge, you shouldn't ought to tempt me with an offer like that in my condition." I joked. "I might take you up on that."
I felt it then. Sarge was pulling down his pants! I felt bare butt now on my pants front. Shit! Sarge was serious!
"You really want me to fuck you, Sarge?" I asked him dubiously. "I mean, seriously?"
"Yeah, come on, it's why I got into the Army for. Not that jerk asshole of my father! I got in because one time I went to visit my father on the base and ended up in a barracks with a hard cock up my ass. Joined up the same fucking day! Now I take my pick from the hard prongs on the base, everyone wants to fuck their sergeant! Especially when they're about due to ship
out, like you two are. So spit in your hand and rub it on and shove it in! I've taken bigger ones than yours, Private, and I've taken them dry! Give it to me now, you hear me, Private?"
"I hear you."
"Jesus, Harry, you're not really going to fuck him, are you?" Jenkins wanted to know.
"Why not?" I said. "He's the one who hunched against me and got me horny. He's the one begging me to do it. He says stop and I'll stop. Otherwise, yeah, I'm fucking him."
"Jesus!" Jenkins said again, this time slowly.
I unzipped and got my dick out, then spat a glob of saliva into my palm. I had some trouble getting my hand down there, because when Sarge felt my dong pressing against his ass, he started trying to push it into himself even without my spit. I held him off long enough to grease my rod, then I helped him guide me to his butt. I felt that soft tucker first touching, then opening to let my dong slide in and I just moaned! "Oh, ahh, fuck!" I grunted. "Sarge is letting me fuck his ass, Marvin. Letting me fuck him, shit, oh, God!"
"No fucking way!" Jenkins groaned. "I don't fucking believe it!"
I was beginning to hump Sarge's ass now. He was fucking back at me, Christ, that felt so damned good! Sarge's ass was no cherry butt, he had taken hard dicks before, and his butthole was vouching for that. All soft and warm and accepting, no catches or kinks in it. Like it was stretched out to service hard Army cocks. Add that to the Sarge who had kept me on my toes for the entire time I had known him, nothing was ever nearly good enough for him, you had to do it right and completely right, or he'd make you do it over. Now I had that man down and I was hunching his butt! Sweet, yeah, God damn it, sweet!
"Good job, Private, come on now, fuck me harder!"
"Oh, God!" Jenkins moaned. "I can't believe you're doing that! I can't believe it."
"You want some of this when he's done, Private Jenkins?"
"Sarge? Hell, yeah, I do!"
"Why don't you get that cock up here and I'll suck on it while you're waiting." Sarge offered.
"A-a-a-a-ah!" Jenkins moaned. He jumped to his feet and shucked out of his pants, and climbed in at the head of the bed. I saw Sarge raise up and Jenkins slide underneath and Sarge happily stuffed Jenkins' prod into his mouth.